Setting browser to accept Lower or Upper Sorbian

Every browser sends special information ('HTTP header Accept-Language') to the server when you enter a website. Using this information, some websites can serve you content in the language you prefer the most — like it's on page

How does it work? Browser has a list of language codes ('en' stands for English, 'de' for German; 'dsb' for Lower Sorbian and 'hsb' for Upper Sorbian). Server receives such list, takes the language on first place and serves content in that language; if it cannot handle the first one, takes the second from the list and so on.

Tools → Preferences → General → Language → Details → Add → User-defined
Internet Explorer
Tools → Internet options → General → Look → Languages → Add → User-defined
Firefox → Preferences → Preferences → Content → Languages → Choose

To check if the settings work, set 'dsb' as your most preferred language and go to main page. You should see the index in Lower Sorbian, as it detects your preffered language. Also a tool on this page shows browser language settings.